Day 9... Befuddled
So I continued what was supposed to be the last two segments of the tutorial:
Keyboard inputs were not a problem all went well there. But then came the "working with sprites" Only 26 minutes he thought to himself with bravado, well cause am as thick as a brick (*awesome album by Jethro Tull btw) It taken two befuddled hours and have I gotten the gist of it, you may ask. Well, the answer is a resounding NO!!! Its mow ended and for some reason, the character on screen is now running past the screen with no input pressed like a person whose curry was a tad too spicy and needs the toilet in urgency. Am sure the issue is somewhere in the love.update(dt) function, but am looking at Steve's teacher code and mine and it seems the same, although I must say am getting used to the error messages now and sort of can figure out what needs fixing, mainly it's my spelling errors or forgetting to add another equal sign where it's needed and so on. So am gonna have a little break or fall fast asleep whilst watching anime, whatever the body needs I suppose and get back to finding out where I've gone wrong, as it sort of works, but not in the way intended no error messages to guide me.
I've not started any pixel art tutorials so nothing to show today, will ask in Discord at some point, to see if there are any recommendations.