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So I continued what was supposed to be the last two segments of the tutorial: Keyboard inputs were not a problem all went well there. But then came...
So I started the tutorial. Some bit I was certain I knew and went ahead and did it, having a smug look on my face as I guessed right. Things went well...
So finally started on the Love tutorials by Sheepolution, I think it's their YouTube channel: How to LÖVE - YouTube. Followed the playlist up to ep...
So I did Steve's Teacher's Lua tutorials, the place list had normal and basic videos so I started with the normal one then after the 3rd video when to...
So Still struggling to understand anything so it's all flying over my head. I woke up late and didn't really want to do anything, and so I did nothing...
So it's day 3 and am just copying code, and sort of understanding bits and pieces. But I don't think am learning. And I think this is what is deemed...