Day 1 all is well (methinks)


2 min read

So it's now day 1, I have installed stuff and man does Lua not make it easy. If you are in the same boat I am or should I say was, I recommend the following:

I had a cunning idea to write all this on LibreOffice and the laptop died again. So cutting the story short I lost it all, is this an omen to tell me to flee??? Who knows or cares, well back to installing Lua on Windows(10)

Goto and click on download then ignore what common sense tells you to do, and under the logo to the left you'll see a link for binaries click on that. Once here go to the menu on the left of the page and click on Download and that takes you to the promised land of links that will allow you to install that Lua goodness on your machine for those are that are lazy here the direct link: and now with pictures :D

step one

Then I just extracted my zip and copied the extracted folder into my programs folder (C:\Program Files) and it worked and happy days ensured.

Next came LÖVE ( picked my chosen link, whilst contemplating whether to pick my nose while I was waiting but it was surprisingly fast to download so nose picking adverted. Then it was just following the instructions (you may also use this line in court it may work)

Click on the love shortcut and see the nightmare balloon duck that will indicate you have no game. You know that about 3 am when you need a wee, the duck will grab your legs and drag you underneath the bed and feast on your soul and now to pick an IDE.

I opted to install VScode due to peer pressure, remember to install the Love2D Support extension. Now am off to find some Lua video tutorials as am currently doing the free and I need some visual learning resources. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Thanks