Day 24... I did something


2 min read

I was going to do nothing, yet again. I think I need to change but learning plans to start in the mornings and not in the evening. But the floor is so warm and toasty when wrapped in a duvet burrito. Also, my super procrastination is not helping at all, damn you, my 50% of Andalusian blood it will not be done tomorrow.

So seeing that Godot is still repelling me like an inversed magnet. I finally decided what GDevelop is all about. The good news is it works on the laptop (at the moment). The bad news is the Udemy course I have access to seems to be a bit outdated as per usual. But it seems to work, I've hit a hurdle with camera positioning but I'll do el Andaluz and check YouTube to see what the current way to do it is. But at the moment I have to say it is fast, I can see this as a way to do some quick prototyping, not sure about its limitations so can't really say it if can make a large game. Am not even at the stage of knowing what a large game is anyway.

I've started on a platformer and at the moment it is easy enough to set the player sprites and animate them, no fuffing about with gravity amongst other things seems to be built in. So going to continue with GDevelop for a bit at least see how far I can go with it and then see what I can apply to Love. At least am out of the I can't be asked to do anything phase for the moment, I do feel guilty about not coding tho, but something is better than nothing I suppose.