Day 2 am I stupid?...(answers on a postcard pls)


2 min read

So it's now day 2 I installed all I had to and stumbled along a tutorial from 8 years ago on youtube for the Lua side of things as I assume that the best way to learn this master the language to a certain and then proceed to the game engine/framework. Am not too certain about the linking and mentioning of creators with permission so not naming tutorials (until I get permission).

So the tutorial in question teaches a game genre of my youth (I am old) a nice text-based adventure (we were poor, couldn't afford graphics and we couldn't see them down the mithril mines anyways). I was all ready to start when the first roadblock hit me this guy is not using VScode, so being a problem solver I found an online one, alas I had the same luck I have with Euromillion's draw, not a winner. But I persevered with it followed the voice on the screen (the voices in my head felt a bit jelly about this) and after an hour and a bit did I feel overwhelmed, I was alright with the concept of variables if statements(but not how to nest them and so on) toward the end of the video part one of five. I really feel stupid, I know it's early days but even so it's overwhelming and am dreading getting to know functions, loops and whatever dark programming concepts are lurking in the shadows.

So in conclusion I feel Jon Snow I know nothing, and thinking that ignorance is indeed bliss, but now that the Djinn has been released from the bottle there no going back and am sure I'll be ready to attempt a game jam in 2053 if our AI overlords allow it.

Now I present a little doodle I made as all the concepts of the video flew past above my head ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
