Day 5. just looked at stuff
So I started and finished the skyvault games Lua tutorials. The playlist was supposed to be 2 videos. But there turned out to be a hidden one amongst his video, all went well as a refresher until I reached his functions segment and now even more confused (as the vid are over 5 years I hope is newer Love stuff will be a bit better to understand). But the last video on Metatables and Immutable structures, totally lost me and left me stranded in doubt. So I learnt nothing. Am not sure if I should move on to just starting with love as I just want to start. But am scared that I -won't know enough. Youtube recommend another: Steves teacher ( who seems to have a nice amount of tutorials some that include Lua and Love so I may give that a go, but I promise it will be the last one just doing Lua, altho he has got a Love2D Crash Course - Game Dev for Beginners playlist so I may attempt that instead and see how that goes.