Day 23 .. Still did nuffin'


1 min read

Yeah I was going to do something but I didn't I messed around with QDQuests learn godot gdscript which makes it into a game I got it off their github page, but there also seems to be an page as well It was fun I've seen similar things as found in love. So I am retaining stuff at a snail's pace but it's there, alcohol didn't kill all my brain cells (this is a myth btw). The trouble is as I've mentioned before my laptop rejected Godot like an entity rejects holy water in a B movie and it crashed, repeatedly. So I got annoyed and started reading manga and wandering what Isekai hijinx I would get into (knowing me a humble slime would kill me by me slipping on it and hitting my head on a rock, a world first as the humbling event would cause a deadly fit of laughter to a nearby Dragon watching the whole thing whilst choking on a snatched sheep). In other words, I did as much work as the civil service on a bank holiday.