Day 17 ... just a quick one
So Started on the making the platforms themselves part of the tutorial, and although I was around when the Atari 2700 was state of the art (still have mine with the original joysticks :D ) I expected Love to be a bit more user-friendly and straight out of the box. It's a good thing am following a tutorial, because I would be so lost trying to find all these external libraries and other stuff like physics, anim8, Tiled and all the rest.
Am really trying to love, Love but it's not making it easy. I've delved superficially with Godot and I was going to go in that direction, but like I've stated before I have a potato laptop and currently no way to order one due to imposed restrictions on me being where I am. Not having an address really screws you over. So am learning how much of a hands-on this framework is, and really reconsidering my decision.