Day 11... Still lazy (a half assed attempt)
So lessons this evening weren't as intensive as I thought i was gonna. So I thought I would recap on what goes in the main.lua file structure for Love
function love.load() Is where anything in here will run the moment the game runs, also it is where the global variables seem to live as well, adjust the window size and any preliminary setup needed before the game starts. end (this is me trying to be funny, sorry)
function love.update(dt) *dt = delta time, which is the period between the current frame and the last. This is the function where the game loop lives and is called every frame that the game will be running, this is by default 60 frames per second. end
function love.draw() This is used for the drawing of graphics to the user's screen. So anything the player sees will live in this function and works in a similar manner to the love.update as it also runs on 60 frames per second. But this function is only for graphics and images, for example: variable name), will print whatever the variable does on the player's screen, and, x, y, width, height) will display a rectangle. (mode has two options "fill" or "line" so outline or a block of colour). end
And that's the gist of what I've understood there's more information on the wiki LOVE ( I wish the site had a dark mode choice tho. lol